Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ah Italy!

Sorento-Bay Italy

I think about interesting places I want to see before I die and one is definitely Italy. Aside from the fact that it's beautiful with something interesting to see every minute, the people are so friendly as well. I've read countless articles with information about this great destination and will soon live out my dream of traveling there.
I've always been an Italian food lover and that will be the most difficult aspect to control is to somehow eat light and healthy while I'm there visiting this eye candy destination. One thing I learned about Italy that I never knew is that you must have cash because credit cards aren't readily accepted! I didn't think there was a place on earth that didn't accept plastic readily. Wow, that's amazing. One thing is for sure it's definitely a beautiful place.
This picture is the week before Christmas and it's absolutely gorgeous! I would like to spend my next Christmas in Italy. How about you? Where is your dream destination and how do you plan to live out your dream? Visit to schedule your next trip and discover how you can at wholesale prices.

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